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About Innovation Days

For UNDP, Innovation Days have emerged as a central R&D mechanism to help build a new generation of services by developing emerging initiatives and experiments around strategic issues.

In a complex and rapidly changing world, it will not be sufficient to analyse, theorise and subsequently roll out traditional answers to the complex challenges we face. Innovation Days therefore seek to present a series of approaches and experiments, exploring the fundamental question: How can we take a human-centered approach to developing and deploying 21st century technology and innovation to unlock more just, sustainable, inclusive and peaceful societies?

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Who are we? 


UNDP works in about 170 countries and territories, helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion. We help countries to develop policies, leadership skills, partnering abilities, institutional capabilities and build resilience in order to sustain development results.

UNDP has been driving for innovation in the development arena. We recognise that in an increasingly complex world where development challenges are continuously emerging and changing, there is an urgent need to move away from business as usual and respond with agile and flexible solutions.

From human-centred design to improve service delivery to strategic foresight that enhances planning processes; from innovation labs that incubate and test ideas to behavioural insights and user led designs that create citizen-government feedback loops, our innovations represent the next generation of development solutions.


Dark Matter Labs

At Dark Matter Laboratories we strategically design and develop new institutional infrastructure and facilitate system transformation for a distributed and massively collaborative future.

We work with partners, clients, and collaborators across the world, researching and developing new support frameworks for collaborative system change. Our goal is to apply complex systems science to turn what is usually perceived as a threat of our time, unanticipated spillover effects, into a resource to solve the wicked challenges of the 21st century.

︎Dark Matter Labs

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