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Harare Innovation Days: NextGen Cities

November 27–29
The Harare Innovation Days is focused on unlocking an urban future that is uniquely African, rooted in the diverse identities of Africa’s peoples and their ability to combine global innovations with local solutions. 
            It is part of a wider global programme which builds on the success of the 2018 Istanbul Innovation Days and intends to follow up with post-event tailored support for experimentation.
            It is a pan-African event which will bring together UNDP country offices, senior civil servants from municipal and national government with leading practitioners. 
           ︎ Register here

Why NextGen Cities in Africa?

Africa is the fastest urbanising continent in the world – while the continent is still largely rural, it is rapidly urbanising. This accelerated growth, not just of Africa’s megacities but also its medium sized growth hubs, poses evident challenges for national governments and municipalities who plan to manage growth, develop the urban economy and ensure resilience.
            However, it also displays provides an opportunity for strategic experimentation. Frequently celebrated under the banner #AfricaIsNow, we are seeing incredible dynamism, creativity and innovation across the continent enabled by new technologies and, spearheaded by forward-looking governments and creative, tech-savvy entrepreneurs through collaboratory practices.

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